Network Security:
At a network level, your card information is protected by Secured
Socket Layer (SSL) technology, provided by C.C.Avenue. Your credit
card transactions are made at the secure servers of C.C.Avenues
All IP (Internet Protocol) addresses are tracked and stored.
They are required to locate people who may use a card for fraudulent
Third party authorization:
For all transactions where the name of the card holder and the user
differ, we insist on a Third Party Verification (TPA) process.
The TPA is an internationally accepted methodology to check credit
card fraud. Here we request the card holder to verify their card
details and signatures in a faxed format, thus ensuring that the
card holder is aware of the transaction.
Insist on a telephone landline and an address to facilitate future
investigations, if required.
Cross check the validity of the transaction with the respective
banker / card issuer. The Banker / Card issuer may call the card holder
to authenticate this transaction.